Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Friday Harbor Weekend

Frosting Auntie Lori's famous brownies

Smores by the fire

Enjoying the beach and making tiny footprints in the sand

Owen loved digging and flinging sand everywhere

The kids loved catching little fish with Uncle Gordy, aka Uncle Geezer as he called himself

Owen wore these binoculars all day every day we were there. He was our whale spotter. He looked anxiously all weekend and finally we spotted a pod swimming by the shore.

More whale watching

All the Kids

Clara did my hair today

Kissy cream cheese lips

Funny Owen Story

One day as Owen and I were driving in the car he said, "I like Pugs and Poodles. If we get a poodle we need a curler. I asked, "Why do we need a curler?" He said, "Because we need to curl the dog's fur. After they are born they have straight hair." He can't wait until Anna is 5 and we can get a new dog.

Here's looking at you kid

Anna's Favorite Things

Anna loves all kinds of balls and she has a pretty good arm

She also loves all her "Dee Dee's" ( babies) as she calls them

First Day of School

Here we are all ready for the first day of 2nd grade and Kindergarten

Off I go!

Look at ME now!

Mommy just bought me my first toothbrush so I can brush my 4 teeth!

I figured out how to climb the stairs by myself. I really want to go down too, but I just sit at the stop of the stairs and say,"No,No!" That's what Mommy tells me all the time. 

Clara and Owen are doing homework, so why can't I? I'll just start by raiding the crayon basket and dump everything out.

Sometimes a little sister just needs to hang out and rest

Look at my rock! Everything about life is so, bugs, dogs, flowers, balls and airplanes

Well, crawling on the rocks isn't such a good idea

Mommy found Clara and I matching  outfits.. aren't we cute?