Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Easter, Fashion and Duct Tape

Making ressurection rolls the night before Easter. Dough wrapped around a marshmallow with butter and brown sugar!
Bake 'em, open them up and the marshmallow has disappeared just like Jesus when he rose from the grave.

One of Anna's loves... marshmallows

 We have entered the world of legos. Small pieces here, there and everywhere. I have added another element to my Mommy resume as the lego finder and fixer.

Clara was thrilled with the new "hip" shirt she picked out herself. Jon's comment.. "Is that a peacoke pattern on her 70's shirt?"
Duct tape boats that the kids created after watching the Myth Busters episode of "Duct Tape Survival" with Daddy where Jamie and Adam had to make a boat of Duct tape to get off a desserted island. I was so proud of myselt because I came up with the original design for the boat...stretching my Mommy brain.

1 comment:

Lydia Harris said...

The next best thing to hugging my grandkids is seeing pictures of them. Love 'em to pieces.
Grandma Tea